In 2019 I discovered some new amazing natural and organic brands in beauty,and it makes me really happy to see more zero waste brands popping,and I definitely hope in the future,to be able to have products in plastic free and biodegradable containers. All the products I will mention below are made only with 100% clean…


I have been over the moon when my friend Renata recommended me to be one of the CertClean’s Clean Beauty Awards JUDGE, and I get to be part of such an amazing experience. The 5th annual awards are organized by @certclean, North America’s leading certification for safer skincare, with a partnership of @purpicks. In case you…

CHRISTMAS Beauty Gifts

So, transitioning to a healthier lifestyle, doesn’t mean you don’t get to shop anymore, and especially when, people are looking for better products, or specific ones, so I decided to put together a wishlist, with things that I will shop or might in the near future, just to give you an idea, of the hidden…

ZOJA BEAUTY Girl Boss Multitasker

Zoja Beautyis a small batch beauty brand, that only have few beauty products, but made with all clean and organic ingredients. Today I’m gonna share one of their multi-tasking stick. GIRL BOSS MULTITASKER – INTUITION PRICE $19.99 6.8g/0.24oz Definitely pricy for such a small product, and if I’m thinking hard, the most expensive I EVER…

PHYSICIANS FORMULA Organic Wear Silk Foundation Elixir REVIEW

So it’s finally here, a very affordable Organic Drugstore Foundation, that we all been expecting, but does one fits all? Physicians Formula had an Organic Wear line before, that they totally revamped, and I did loved their Marathonista Foundation, but I think it only came in 2 shades, which was ridiculous, so their new Organic…

The Black Friday Countdown

Is it to early to talk about Black Friday? I don’t think so. I’m already dreaming about Halloween, but seriously Black Friday is right around the corner, and I can’t wait to indulge. I’ve recently discovered this little practical online advice and will definitely keep me on track with my new purchase and savings. This is…

ZAO Eyeshadow Palette Clin D’oeil No.2 Swatches & Review

When I transitioned to clean ingredients makeup,I discovered there are not to many brands on the market, that create clean eyeshadows, but one of them is Zao Organic Makeup, and I finally get to try one of their latest makeup palettes, Clin D’oeil 2, which means Wink, since I googled it up 😉 The name…

PRISMA PALETTE Haul & Swatches

Prisma Palette is a mineral makeup company, vegan and cruelty free , all handmade in small batches , and it first launched on Etsy as Motherbear Handmade. I always wanted to try their beautiful eyeshadows, since so many clean beauty lovers rave about how pigmented they are, and also carry such a wide range of…

100%Pure ROSE GOLD Palette REVIEW &🌟🌟🌟GIVEAWAY🌟🌟🌟

I’m not really that person that has to have all the products on the market, and especially palettes, and this definitely wasn’t an impulse buy. I remember when the 100%Pure ROSE GOLD Palette launched in 2018 and back then it was really hard to buy it online, since it was always Sold Out,or that’s just…

“GREEN” Brands that are NOT CLEAN!

I NEVER DONE A NEGATIVE POST BEFORE, BUT THIS HAD TO HAPPEN!!! In 2016 I started my adventure to discover natural and organic products, to switch from conventional big brands, to what I’ve thought natural brands, that even now are the most known and trusted by many people, but surprisingly, in the past 3 years,…

DUET BEAUTY Multitasking Sticks

In my efforts to find more Natural and Organic makeup products, but also plastic free,I discovered Duet Beauty,a small batch handmade makeup company,with a small variety of makeup products, but with multitasking power. So here I am sharing with you,3 multitasking makeup sticks, that can be applied easily with fingers, be used as a lipstick,…

Pantone LIVING CORAL Natural & Organic Makeup Products + Look

Ever since Pantone announce the color of the year 2019 LIVING CORAL, I’ve been looking thru my stash, to find all coral shades that I can use thru the year, so today I’m sharing all my CORAL STASH,with swatches. All makeup products are made with natural and organic ingredients, and I even used a blush…